NIJ Funds Intimcity Profiles of Prostitutes

Intimcity is a website that lists hot prostitutes, escorts and masseuses. The site has a search engine that can be used to find girls by parameters, map, district, metro and text. The site also has a section called the top 100 girls. Users can view their photos and read their descriptions. The site also offers a number of services, including massages and sex toys. интимсити анкеты проституток

NIJ has recently begun funding research to shed light on the prostitution industry. One project is investigating single and serial prostitute homicides. The researcher, Jonathan Dudek, has amassed data on victims, those who sex them and the crime scenes. His findings show that the motives for many of these women’s murders were not sexual in nature. Many entered prostitution as minors, often to support a drug habit or stave off homelessness. They work in high-crime areas, are subjected to sexual abuse on the job and experience a significant rate of on-the-job victimization.

Other NIJ-funded studies are identifying what pushes women into prostitution and why they stay there, as well as how the clients of these women perceive their relationship with them. Research has shown that women in prostitution tend to have a number of psychological problems, and it’s not clear whether these problems existed before the woman entered the trade or developed as a result of working there.

Another research project looks at the relationships between streetwalkers and their clients to try to understand what makes a man choose to solicit sex from a prostitute. Interviews reveal that johns may have a naive, romantic idea of prostitution but that their actual experiences are much more complex.

While the media often portrays the lives of prostitutes as chaotic and haphazard, NIJ’s research shows that many prostitutes operate in a highly organized manner. They arrange tours and book their customers online, just as freelancers do in other labor markets. They temp, go part time and fit their work around family responsibilities. They even negotiate prices and terms of service, just as professional athletes do.

NIJ has also studied the effects of loitering laws on prostitution, and found that such laws are not effective in controlling prostitution and may have unintended consequences. Loitering laws allow law enforcement officers to profile and harass individuals based on their appearance, racial or ethnic identity, and stereotypes of what a prostitute looks like. This practice is similar to New York City’s stop-and-frisk policy and threatens equal protection under the law.

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